Create a custom strategy!

Achieve a digital transformation

A digital transformation aims to completely rethink the web strategy in order to better adapt to the digital age. This reflection on form and content represents a change in the strategies for understanding marketing communication. The analysis of the transformation also takes into account the tools necessary to optimize the site. To achieve this, there are several solutions to choose from: implementation of a CRM solution, distribution of publications on social networks, improvement of the communication model for services and products, etc.

Web design agency

Website creation

Website creation

A web design agency is willing to create a showcase or e-commerce type Internet portal.

Mobile applications

Mobile applications

Some web agencies offer the creation of mobile applications on smartphones.


Hosting & maintenance

Which Internet host to choose? Hosting services offer reactive maintenance services.


Web referencing

Thanks to natural referencing, we benefit from a tool that can convert prospects.

Marketing strategy

Marketing strategy

A marketing strategy is based on the analysis of consumers’ needs.

E-marketing campaigns

E-marketing campaigns

During an e-mailing campaign, interesting conversion rates are achieved.

The most effective tools & techniques of web marketing

What are the web marketing strategies?

Web marketing strategies include blogging, offering, SEO, social networks, online advertising, analytics, partnerships and e-mailing. There are many ways to use all these tools. Whichever strategy is adopted, the most important is the result.

Graphic codes

Give your brand smart visual tools

Many graphic elements constitute a visual identity. It is an emblem or a logotype, a typography, colour choices, pictograms, graphic elements such as a photograph, an illustration, a vector. Visual tools represent a crucial element for society. They offer a real identity and benefits by boosting visibility and optimizing the company’s notoriety, like the case of These elements are fixed and integrated into a graphic charter. Its objective is to decline the visual identity of the company under various communication supports.

Logo creation

Inspiring logos, highlighting products.

Graphic design

The form of a graphic design can be virtual or physical.

Mobile applications

Create an application necessary for mobile users.

User interface

Software and operating systems, navigation...

SEO referencing

Improve your ranking on the web!

Improve the positioning of a site by publishing relevant articles containing keywords used by Internet users during their searches on the web. Boost the visibility of a portal by producing SEO articles. The audit of a platform aims to carry out an exhaustive analysis on the state of health and positioning of a portal on the web. To provide solutions to traffic problems, the audit aims to study the errors and gaps that affect the positioning of a site in the results of web searches.

The trick to broadening the impact of a company is to use content development services. This SEO project can be extended through a content distribution service, social channels and broadening the popularity of the company. This service can help achieve SEO objectives, develop a blog, distribute articles and press releases on many websites and social networks.

SEO web referencing

Social Media Management

The fields of action of a social media strategy are based on advertising through social networks, social publishing/listening, social selling, CRM, influence marketing...
Social media manager